Connecting to Money on a Much Deeper Level
Kevin Dooley, Flickr
In pricing an upcoming retreat, I was moved by the concept of associating a dollar amount for a particular service and wanted to take the opportunity to share with you what’s coming up for me around this topic. All in all, I feel we are coming to a time where prices that have been put on goods and services are going to begin shifting to reflect a truer value. It will be a transition to get to this place, but what I’m sensing and feeling is this:
Money can be a form of fat energetically on our body/energy field. We all certainly need sufficient money and capital that we save for our future needs/wants as well for our loved ones in our life and for their future. However, I feel we are arriving to a time where the amount of money we have for ourselves will be equaling out to where we have a sufficient amount and people don’t have an overabundance that is just safeguarded or not flowing to those in need. This is all so subjective – as people value goods and services differently - but the call that people have begun to feel and will experience more in the coming years will be to support and have greater connection with where they put their money. This is also beginning to take shape because the universe is prompting us to think and live in a greater systemic way, meaning, in what ways am I caring and showing that care for my entire community and the world?
Many of us are beginning to question what does it mean to live a lean/happy & fulfilled life. We are being challenged - some more than others, as rising up into our powerful fuller selves is happening in waves – but at some point we will all confront the question of what a meaningful life look like? Also, what are the necessary ingredients to make this happen and how am I living in accordance or discordance with being in right relationship with this sacred planet? As someone who lost all my material items at one point in my life (jewelry and memorabilia combined) from my car that was stolen and filled with all of my material possessions that was present during my first year at college, this shifted my relationship with “stuff.” It turned out to signify a great gift in my life as it made me reflect on what I really needed and my attachment to material items and how there’s an aspect of loveliness to material items and yet how I and others can rely too heavily on material objects. The truth that I’ve come to experience is that we are generally happier with less, that it makes a difference to only have items around us that spark joy & that we are actually yearning for much deeper fulfillment and meaning that is beyond money and material items.
We must begin to honor and hold a much higher value for how spirituality can befriend and behold us through these times and going forward. We are living in turbulent times where people feel the internal and external chaos that can lead us to feeling stressed out, anxious or depressed and prompt us to either use money as a security blanket or spend money in a disassociated manner. However, we have reached a tipping point on this planet for the way in which humans have and are living upon this earth and the general lack of mindfulness. My sense is that we are being asked to go beyond our individual egos and individually, collectively and as a planet – shift our money and resources to that which will serve everyone and everything. The sacred will work with us to guide and direct us through and it’s our work to develop our capabilities to harness our gifts. To surrender and allow ourselves to be shepherded by sprit instead of one’s ego will uplift the way money is being spent so that instead of there being transactions – there are multiple relationships within a much larger caring system.
All in all, we are being called to get in touch with ourselves and the way in which money is exchanged and the repercussions for how money is flowing, not flowing, or flowing too minimally in order to take steps to live in greater alignment with higher spiritual values. We all have power in ways we spend money and it will become even more empowering as we begin to deepen this connection spiritually and put our money towards values and principles that serve the world in a much richer way.