The Roots of Thanksgiving & Soul Group Appreciation
There is so much to be grateful for today and so many people giving thanks and appreciations for what stands out to them over the course of this past year or time in their life that they feel called to recognize and honor. I took a walk with my brothers two pugs today and came across these three fine leaves which would not have been as beautiful if it wasn't pouring down rain.
I am very interested in the roots of notable events or Holidays; as there is energy associated with the spark of what brought anything into being and true power that can come about when people consciously connect with the sparks of that flame that ignited this Holiday or any Holiday or major event into form. As such, I would like to share with you all the origin story of Thanksgiving as well as offer up a deep gratitude for someone I wish to celebrate in my life to honor and stoke that flame which represents the true fuel of this Holiday.
To any of you out there that don’t know, this Holiday began in 1621 by the Pilgrims who celebrated their first harvest in the New World with a three-day event that was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims. The spirit of this day from its roots connote an offering of thanks for the bounty harvest at this time of Fall, for the wish of continued successful in this newly appointed home and for other life appreciations that one desired to proclaim at this time for the community to celebrate in the form of ceremony. There are many misconceptions about this Holiday and I would encourage you all to read this article that gives more color to the roots of Thanksgiving.
I would suggest here to you all to not only view this Holiday as a party (as what I see happening for many families and what I’m calling “friendfamilies”), but as an opportunity for you to experience the bounty of your life and at the deepest sense recognition of the seasonal roots that we all have an instinctual connection with – the seasonal celebration of Fall and all the fruits and vegetables that have come into fruition to both feed and support us in our lives individually and as a community. Having sufficient food for any society allows a group not only to feed themselves, but also to pick their heads up and give thanks for their entire community, the land and all the resources that came together to make that bounty happen.
So in that spirit, not only do I thank the amazing gift of wonderful food, family, my “friendfamily”, the land, the many resources today and all that is which provide me with so much to offer thanks and gratitude on this day. I also want to give thanks to one particular person today that many of you who are close to me know is an important person in my life.
As starting ground, I believe and was just explaining to a friend that all of us have soul groups in our lives – spirits that may come from our family, but also include friends, what people consider as enemies, partners, animals, and even places we visit where we feel a strong resonance. These are beings or physical places (for some people physical objects may be included – but are typically not as powerful) that evoke development on both sides for each person to grow into the person they are destined to become. These are not always easy relationships; any kind of learning and growth brings with it challenges and difficulty. Sometimes it takes years to for that glass of wine that you both have poured together to settle, digest and age to a point that the evolvement that both of you have helped each other get to is visible, palpable and apparent to the outside world.
Mr. Jonathan Cooney (among so many other absolutely amazing and wonderful people in my life) I have no doubt is part of my soul group. I knew the second I met him that he would be an important person in my life, I also felt in that moment that I had known him for years (a sign to you that these are important people in your life), and him and I have been to hell and back since knowing one another.
I was just telling him that I’m still not entirely ready to write about our relationship (and here I am, albeit shortly!). It still feels like the wine hasn’t aged fully to share the magic and pure radiant light that has been produced for both of us individually and within the dynamic of our relationship and the energetic currents that cast out from that love both of us share and have been able to get to within ourselves more fully. There is brightness and polishing that comes about from the rubbing against and friction that occurs with these types of soul group relationships.
Jon and I were together for six years, took three grueling years to break up and I absolutely love him more than I have ever now and I know he feels the same about me. He pisses me off more than anyone; he’s often the one I want to call when I experience something beautiful or sad or when I need support in any way and this last year we've both gone back and forth wondering if we spend too much time together – but I've gotten to a place where I see everything is how it has needed to be and I am in a place of actually recognizing more fully the bounty that has come about from our relationship.
Him and I never married, we likely will not, and with that; the lesson I want to flashlight for you here is that there is no limit to how much you can love. Nor do I believe society, your family, your “friendfamily” or anyone should tell you whom you can love or not. This is your life and own it and celebrate it – welcome and respect others input, but always locate within you what your spirit is communicating on a deep level, which most often comes in the form of intuition. I encourage you all to find and cultivate your own deep roots, recognize and honor the soul group members of your tribe, and realize that these soul group members may take you on one wild and crazy journey (or the universe will propel that for you in coming together) – and this really represents the only way to get to and deepen to your true spirit within – where the magic and that big o’ pot of gold awaits.
So I invite you all to take some time today to sit and reflect on what at your root level are you most grateful for today? What type of bounty do you recognize in your life that you want to celebrate today? And who is part of your soul group – those people whom may be your loveliest friend(s) or those who feel are your staunchest enemy – for whom has helped you become a brighter and more wonderful version of you?
Thank you Jonathan Cooney for all your love and the fullness of life you and I have been able to experience together and will continue to in it’s ever changing form, thank you so much to my wonderful family, to my growing and rich “friendfamily” to my ancestors, to this land, to my sprit guides, to the angels that watch over me and all of you lovely people out there and for this blessed Earth we all call home.
With all my love; happiest of Thanksgiving to each and every one of you,