We got grounded, what are you going to learn from this time out?
Springing Into Your Being During This Time to Awaken and Live a Meaningful Life
First off, this title sounds a bit negative… However, what you will read below is far from it! It’s actually quite the opposite, but I wanted to catch your attention before it moves along to some other far off galaxy of the interweby places that we are all orbiting through to encourage you to read all the sunshiny things below!
To provide some context and grounding for what I’ll be talking about, this content all got generated from my sister sharing a video of Boise Thomas talking about a virtual meeting space he began holding daily when the stay at home orders started to support what he calls “the great pause.” During his talk, he brought up the point that I feel is totally apt and that I would like to dig in further around how we are existing in what you can think of as a kids “getting grounded” phase.
One of the ways I see what’s happening from a macro level perspective with the coronavirus pandemic is that we are going through an awakening time. It sure feels apocalyptic out there for a lot of us (and myself included on bad days), but hear me out!
Literally the origin of the word “awaken” means to “spring into being.” How lovely is that description; an opportunity to jump into your being state.
What do I mean by this? This is the chance for us to connect with ourselves on a much deeper level. To let go of so many things including:
Work processes and tasks that in the grand scheme of things are just not that important,
Getting off the rat wheel of buying too many things and unnecessary things (did you know that the average American woman owns 27 shoes?),
Recognizing that in our so-called personal time, many of us are actually not using it in a way that prompts meaning, purpose and integrity.
The reality is that most of us have been in many ways living in a machine. We wake up, we go do our work thing, we save up money to buy that house and have those kids, we buy that house, we get engrossed in our kids life, we run around and do do do activities, while also dealing with the fact that we have been sold a bill of goods around how we should be living and we are constantly in motion to live up to those ideals and all of this running around actually take us away from ourselves as human beings.
You see, we are not human doers, we are human beings.
We are meant to be embodied, have all of our focus and energy grounded within our field, we are meant to be powerful, insightful, creative, dynamic and absolutely amazing human beings on this planet, because that is who we are naturally are!
And furthermore, this opportunity to be alive on this planet is an absolute gift, one that we ought not be taken for granted, but embraced.
Let me tell you a personal story. This past year my father passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. We don’t really know what happened. He went out to drop crab pots in the Hood Canal, one of his favorite hobbies in a favorite place in the world to him, and something went wrong and somehow he drowned. It’s hard to understand how this could have happened to such a powerful and tenacious man and yet in a matter of likely minutes, he was gone.
I can’t help but think of how broadsided we have all been by the coronavirus pandemic and how quickly our lives have changed; similar to what I experienced with the loss of my father.
What I hope and dream about is that all of you will take from this time of liminal space we are in — before we are grounded more with what the other side looks like — that life can suddenly change; that even your life force can leave this planet suddenly and how is that you are stewarding meaning, living an authentic life and bringing happiness and joy to yourself and to others?
This is also a time on our planet to spring into your being, to become fully embodied and to awaken to activate higher levels of consciousness to support the maturation of the human race.
This gets me back to what it means to be. Being is a multi-faceted experience. There are many marma points that activate being including:
Summoning your attention to your body and energetic field and not allowing your attention to be elsewhere, but being fully alive in the present moment.
Demonstrating a calm breath; taking deep breathes because this invites you to get even more fully embodied.
Exuding control of your mind so that you are aware and choosing what mental state you are drawing from in the moment.
Keeping your feelings at bay, noticing them, taking insight from them, showing curiosity, but not getting lost in the ocean of your feelings.
Attuning to your body, recognizing that you can actually FEEL your body and feel your breath going to all parts of your body. Taking a moment to feel each part of your body.
Utilizing your senses at one time and fully taking in each sense capability to it’s fullest. You listen, but you really listen and take the time to listen, etc…
Growing in the capability of accessing your intuition (or maybe it’s already highly developed), but learning to trust and yield it.
This might all sound like something familiar, perhaps take a guess?
My sense is that many of you would liken my description to a state of meditation. The reality is that the golden ticket to get out of the so-called machine that we are socialized into from a very young age means to get FULLY embodied into your being because there’s no holding back from the power that you exude from that place. It’s also important to note that activating all of these practices together and simultaneously is Jedi work, which is challenging. That’s why true consciousness is fleeting, why you can’t buy it, why someone else can’t do it for you, why you can’t just travel to a place and think it’s going to show up for you. Everyone also has their individual propensity to activate true being in different ways and as such, there is no one right recipe to follow. For some people meditating will elicit this state, others benefit from listening to music or taking walks out in nature, this might even change as you age or change throughout the seasons what will bring about this state.
I must encourage you all by saying that true being is ecstasy. You realize you are the master of your own spaceship going through this galaxy of life and you begin to flow with the universe and calm and find a sense of peace on a deeper level.
You also are empowered; you are not in a machine, but you are able to tap into creativity, to self-express and be an agent for societal and systemic change as you see yourself as an instrument for something much greater than yourself.
This does not happen over night and there are many guides out there who can help you on this journey, but a lot of it you can begin right away. This is also an act that anyone can pursue entirely by themselves.
Thus, during this time of groundedness — both a time when our normal patterns have stopped or have been altered and when we have the opportunity to find a center of gravity from within (recognizing that there are many people out there who continue to work and who do not have this same kind of grounding as you may have), I invite you to deeply reflect on what you want to get out of this time? How do you want to spring into your being? How do you want to cultivate and nourish groundedness for yourself so that you can come out of this time feeling more awaken?
The world needs you, you need you, your community needs you and this time needs you. Take advantage of this time out to ground.
Much love,