Energetic space clearings
Physical spaces serve as another important lever point to access heightened levels of health and wellbeing for both individuals and businesses. All the spaces we inhabit on a regular basis in fact contain an energetic charge from the people who come in and out and the day to day activities that transpire. For example, it's possible to feel this effect when walking into a room following a fight between people in a home, or the tension that can loom around hitting deadlines, or the resentment that can build up when layoffs take place and can linger in a business and effectively negatively influence a company going forward.
Ayurveda teaches that what we do to our bodies and what we do within our physical spaces effect one another. Therefore, changes to either will have impacts. Space clearing in essence frees, purifies and opens a space from all that has been to provide energetic maintenance; much like the efforts we undertake cleansing and purifying our own bodies. Naturefy performs energetic space clearings to help release unbalanced energy and reset spaces that harmonize with a person or companies intentions to clean the slate and bring into fruition the highest and best good of everyone.
Please visit the contact page to set up a half hour consultation at no charge to talk in more detail about this offering, what you may be experiencing and are looking for support around and to answer any questions about working with Naturefy, as well as to review logistics and rates.
“The space clearing Marisa performed on my home last month played a pivotal roll in a number of positive shifts with regards to my health, my business, and my marriage. Using her intuitive skills, Marisa was able to sense and clear strong emotions, regret, loss and attachments lingering from the family that lived here previously. She was able to point out areas in the house that may tend to stagnate energetically and provided me tips on how to take care of it long term. I highly recommend this experience if you are feeling unsettled in your home. It will change you for the better!”