These are changing times and bringing forth increased opportunities for attuning oneself and connecting with something greater than self to guide and cultivate a deeper sense of peace. To facilitate this process as well as a gentler and more vibrant descendance upon the Holiday season and the New Year, come participate in this weekend woodland cozy retreat with Marisa and Afrin at the base of Mt. Rainier where Ayurveda serves as a blueprint to guide your understanding in caring for yourself on a number of levels and in a holistic manner.
You will first and foremost explore ways to connect to your authentic essence and build capacity to bring spirit and willfulness into your greater day-to-day experience. Along with this deeper exploration, you will have the opportunity to experience a daily yoga practice, eat and learn about seasonal recipes, have time for individual and group reflection and be exposed to frameworks to invite deeper thinking about your wellness and spirituality from a whole living systems perspective. Expect to come away with:
- Spiritual guidance that includes learning intuitive development tools & techniques to support yourself during busy times
- An overall health, wellness & spiritual plan for the Holiday season and the beginning of the New Year
- Customized yoga routine for your body type
- Diet, lifestyle & exercise recommendations
- Ayurvedic daily routine teachings to support you in your journey
- Deeper understanding of Ayurveda as a holistic cosmology to support your personal and spiritual development on multiple levels
- Opportunity to meet one-on-one with Marisa or Afrin before or after for an Ayurvedic Wellness Consultation and/or Intuitive reading for an additional cost
Led by Wellness & Spiritual Counselor Marisa Gant, MBA, AWC & Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Teacher, Afrin Sopariwala, AWC, AWP
Afrin and I decided to switch the cost of this retreat from a $400 dollar cost to a pay-what-you-can model (with a recommended sliding scale of $150 - $400 dollars). We have 14 spots available in total and we ask that you register as soon as possible to take part in this experience. We chose to set the pricing of the retreat this way due it being our first full weekend retreat, the value of inclusivity & to honor all forms of exchange. Please see a fuller description for reasoning behind our shift to a pay-what-you-can model by visiting:
For more information about Marisa and her services, please visit the other pages of this website and you can learn more about Afrin and her services at
Feel free to review the schedule of the retreat to have a more clear idea of how the weekend will unfold.
To find out more information or to register, please visit this page.