Family & Friend Groups

As part of living in a nested environment, we have the opportunity to consciously grow individually or in the context of the family and friend groups where we feel most comfortable and can be our natural selves. That said, we tend to approach our development on an individual basis or through our places of work (with a lopsided focus on productivity). The influence of the market in our society tends to obscure one of the most powerful settings for development: inter-personal groups such as family and close friends. The intimacy and caring within these networks creates awesome potential as sites for development that can be catalyzed through approaching this work with consciousness and facilitation.

We offer and can co-design services that help you and your close ones consciously grow and/or infuse greater meaning into special experiences and rights of passage.

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Death and change are natural processes witnessed everywhere in nature and yet we as humans struggle greatly with these experiences. At this time on Earth, we are living through an unprecedented time of loss and transformation and are being prompted to cultivate greater resiliency. How are you processing your grief and strengthening yourself from the inside out to manage all the changes?

Gather those closest to you for a facilitated experience that supports that processing surrounded by those you are comfortable being vulnerable with.

Contact Naturefy to discuss setting up a circle with your group.

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When our loved one’s pass, it’s an opportunity to gather, remember and hold tribute for the ways in which the essence of that person touched the community. Too often we do not deeply and meaningfully honor and hold reverence for that person or thing that has vanished from our life.

We work with families to celebrate the lives of lost ones in ways that honor any belief traditions and bring forth the spirit of that which has departed to shepherd a space where everyone is held and invited to create a deep and meaningful ritual together. Online or in-person ceremonies in the Seattle area.

Contact Naturefy to learn more and discuss the details for a memorial or life celebration.

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Evolving as a human species means turning back to certain practices that enabled us to live in greater harmony with ourselves and our precious home, Earth. Rituals are a big component of this realignment. The potential to feel the sacredness and specialness of occasions helps us in getting us out of our mundane and logical life to connect us with the heartfelt and divine and therefore our true nature.

We can help you elevate events like birthdays, baby showers, reunions, etc. to become more meaningful and deep experiences and thereby support conscious development.

Contact us to talk through your event and learn how we can support making it a more meaningful experience.

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Simply getting out into nature connects us with our inner wild and can support new ideas, innovation, creativity and play. There are also many universal lessons that nature has to teach which offers a beautiful, memorable and elegant approach to team building, essence clarification and connecting to one’s roots.

In addition, in our modern world that is so busy, distracting and artificial, having the chance to get outside and be guided to release, let go and get grounded in our native habitat is so critical to us rebalancing and harmonizing in our lives.

Naturefy offers guided grounding hikes throughout the Northwest and is happy to build a customized experience for your friends, family or special group.

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Meeting at the New Moon has been practiced worldwide across cultures since ancient times. The time of the new moon is ideal for checking in with yourself and setting intentions. This is a great practice to do with those who you are most intimate with. You gather, we facilitate.

Creating a rhythm of quarterly New Moon gatherings (virtually or in person) is a great tempo to weave into your regular life.