Work Teams and Companies

The places we work are their own habitats in and of themselves. Naturefy works with companies and teams to generate a developmental nature and culture so that growth for the company is nourished from each individual becoming a stronger actor and contributor. This happens by unearthing essence and unleashing latent potential at multiple levels. We help you get clear on your organizations purpose, the role that each person contributes to that purpose so that an environment where creativity and innovation flourish becomes built into your business or team.

Most of our services occur outside in order to step away from the normal workplace setting and the way it tends to inhibit creative thinking. The expansiveness of natural settings tends to unlock new perspectives.

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Simply getting out into nature connects us with our inner wild and can support new ideas, innovation, creativity and play. There are also many universal lessons that nature has to teach which offers a beautiful, memorable and elegant approach to team building, essence clarification and connecting to one’s roots.

In addition, in our modern world that is so busy, distracting and artificial, having the chance to get outside and be guided to release, let go and get grounded in our native habitat is so critical to us rebalancing and harmonizing in our lives.

Naturefy offers guided grounding hikes throughout the Northwest and is happy to build a customized experience for your work team or organization to experience.

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Getting outside of the office to consciously reflect on where your organization is at and feel out how to fine tune the organization at multiple levels is an important undertaking to do on a periodic basis.

Expect to engage your mind through individual and group reflection and journaling to feel into the latent potential of the organization, body movement sections via guided hikes out in nature that help participants connect with themselves on deeper levels, wholesome meals that nourish the body and spiritualizing activities/exercises that enable an enriching and transformative experience.

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We spend a lot of time at work with our colleagues. This makes the workplace an ideal context for individual development with cascading benefits to the workplace and individual.

We specialize in supporting teams of people who work together to enhance alignment between individual strengths, learning goals, and life goals to unlock potential for productivity, growth, and happiness.