- www.banyanbotanicals.com - great site for learning about Ayurveda & shopping for herbs, oils & other health products
- http://ayurvedanextdoor.com - online resource that educates people about Ayurveda and connects them with Ayurvedic professionals, schools, clinics & centers.
- HeyMonicaB - Ayurvedic educational blog with useful tips
- Joyful Belly - Ayurvedic cooking site that includes information on diet, imbalances, recipes and a store.
- Ayurvedic Institute - Reading List & References - provides a very comprehensive list of modern & classic Ayurvedic texts
- Ayurveda: A Life of Balance: The complete Guide to Ayurvedic Nutrition & Body Types with Recipes - the woman recovered from cancer using Ayurveda.
- Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing: A Practical Guide - simple, straightforward resource written by Dr. Vasant Lad.
- Ayurveda and the Mind: The Healing of Consciousness by David Frawley
Nature Based Spirituality
Intuitive Development
- Developing Intuition book, by Shakti Gawain
- On Being podcast - great resource that delves into the meaning of life & spiritual development
- The Spiritual Power of Empathy: Develop Your Intuitive Gifts for Compassionate Connection book, by Cyndi Dale
- Louise Haye on Metaphysical Causes for illness/sickness, From the Alchemy of Healing Website
- Animal Totem's or Spirit Animals: Useful whenever you are seeing animals repeatedly, they are showing up in your dreams or you are having a gut instinct to read & learn more about a certain animal. Often this is the higher spirits prompting you to learn from this animal and apply that learning to whatever you have going on in your life.